Louie keeps an eye on Carl and I as we sift through old photos
Mojo meets Godzilla
Sapphire, the resident cat at Agway Feed weighs in at 10 pounds
Phil Breton taught French at Appleton Academy in New Ipswich, NH. In his retirement he spends time with his 23 year old cat on the campus grounds. Photo taken May 5, 2012.
Fat Andrew in Fairfield, CT
Paris the Cat
Cat and kittens artwork on display at the Green Center, New Ipswich, NH
Woody's cat Izzy enjoying the sun in New Ipswich,NH
Dave and Callie's adopted cat
Nap time at Pickity Place, Mason, NH
Pickity Place, Mason, NH
Midnight, the barn cat at Hilltop Farm in Mason, NH
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